Nik Bentel Studio x World

World Bag

World Bag created with World. A pearlescent hard shell handbag with leather interior. Available only until supplies last.

We partnered with World to create an object that draws inspiration from the human drive to transcend our limitations, while reminding us that we are, at our core, unique humans sharing the world. World Bag embodies an otherworldly presence within our natural environment, dissolving the concept of borders and allowing freedom of movement anywhere, anytime. It embraces mobility, carrying only the essentials, and reflects a nomadic lifestyle that’s always in motion. World Bag serves as a vessel, encouraging a deeper contemplation of our connection with the world, while affirming the individuality of each experience. Our aim with World Bag is to seamlessly merge each unique human experience with the digital realm.

Made in collaboration with World. In the age of AI, World is a network of real humans built on a privacy-preserving proof of human and a globally inclusive financial network.

Visit World.Org

Behind the Project

Making World Bag

World Bag is made with acrylic using a two part injection mold. The interior is lined with metallic leather. and a hidden magnetic clasp in order to keep the smooth shape when shut.

It takes its design from a special type of algebraic surfaces known as the Dupin cyclide. These surfaces are generated by rotating a conic section, such as an ellipse or a hyperbola, around an axis that doesn't intersect the object's plane. This process of rotation is how the pristine and continuous form of the bag was created. Thereby creating a mathematically calculated bag, with a high shine finish that continually reflects the surrounding environment.

Without society's most up to date digital software capabilities, World Bag would not be able to be created. It would stay a math equation. But that is exactly why it looks like it simultaneously lives in a digital and physical world. When you hold it, it looks like a surreal digital object in a very human world.